Friday, August 10, 2012


Slept about three hours just now. I shouldn't sit down as much overnight. Maybe go for a walk?

I'm now feeling rather grainy-eyed.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I've already napped about ten times since last night and overslept by an hour once. Not a great start, but I'm not beating myself up over it.

Second nap

Grabbed my second nap around midnight and it felt great. I was awake throughout, and I have a strong core of sleepiness, but I still feel pretty good. A bit woozy when it comes to doing anything thought-intensive, but I think I am starting on a relatively gentle transition.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Starting out

Newly polyphasic after about a year of monophasic sleep. I will log my condition and some alertness self-assessments here.

I've been sleeping poorly and napping to make up for it. I'm not sure you'd call it polyphasic when I'm sleeping seven hours a night and still taking two or three naps to make it through the day. My alertness has not been that great.

Today, I am switching out core sleep for naps (SPAMAYL style). I had my first evening nap. I feel pretty damn tired. This is unsurprising, given how poorly I've been sleeping. I should have taken a nap two hours ago.

I have a suspicion that my weight is interfering with my sleep.

I think I am relatively impaired for things that require concentration (writing or coding), but I'm going to be working on just that tonight.